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Loud & proud: ILWU Local 10’s Drill Team was invited by the Port to perform their snappy routine on April 28th.
ILWU members were a prominent part of the Port’s 150th Anniversary celebrations held during the month of April.
Locals 10, 34, 75, and the IBU sponsored the ILWU 1934 and 1948 educational exhibits and hosted a labor-related film festival at the Port headquarters. The Local 10 Drill Team performed to an enthusiastic audience at the celebration’s opening ceremony, followed by a warm welcome from the Port’s Executive Director, Monique Moyer, who thanked the ILWU and noted that the union’s contributions and sacrifices had improved conditions for all workers.
Local 10 President Mike Villeggiante was asked to speak on behalf of ILWU members, and he used the opportunity to recount the struggles by previous generations of waterfront workers – while noting that the struggle for good jobs continues today.
Earlier in the week, the 1948 exhibit was also shown at a 150th Anniversary gala reception that kicked-off the Port’s 150th anniversary, an event attended by ILWU International Secretary-Treasurer Willie Adams who currently serves as Port...
The MUA have been locked out since Tuesday, after introducing a Fair Work Australia sanctioned ban on unscheduled overtime.
Patrick stevedores have locked out their 26 strong Dampier workforce after pay talks stalled with the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA).
MUA organiser, Doug Heath, says the lock-out follows 22 months of difficult talks over a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.
“Patrick haven’t had genuine intent to negotiate through that period,” he said. The Dampier Port Authority says the lock-out is starting to affect operations at the port.
Read the full story at ABC
Listen to the audio interview with Doug Heath at this link
[NOTE: This is a Spanish translation of our grain update in the May Dispatcher. Read the English original at http://www.longshoreshippingnews.com/?p=12592.]
Cierre patronal: Los miembros del Local 4 en la línea de piquete después de que Mitsui-United Grain bloqueara su entrada en Vancouver, WA. Foto de Jared Moultrie, muellero de ILWU Local 4.
Los estibadores en Oregon y Washington continúan su lucha día y noche por un contrato justo en las terminales graneleras propiedad de algunas de las mayores empresas mundiales de cereales, casi un año después de que las negociaciones se iniciaran el pasado mes de agosto. Trabajadores de la ILWU han exportado una parte importante de los cereales de la nación a través de los puertos del Noroeste bajo un acuerdo de negociación colectiva que se remonta a la década de 1930.
De los cuatro empresarios de la Pacific Northwest Grain Handlers Association, tres están librando un ataque a los trabajadores de la ILWU que los han hecho rentable en la zona. Dos empresas de propiedad japonesa, Mitsui-United Grain en Vancouver, WA, y Marubeni-Columbia Grain en Portland, han bloqueado los miembros de la ILWU en condiciones dudosas y han...
Source: NYTimes
Source: Associated Press
Source: Just-Auto.com
Source: Mail&Guardian
Source: Independent.ie
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