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The Journal of Commerce reports:
”Last month, Daggett said an ILA steering committee would evaluate the union’s affiliation with the AFL-CIO, the federation’s transportation trades and maritime trades departments, and other groups ‘to make certain we are equal partners among unions as members of these labor organizations.”’ -JOCInternational Longshoremen’s Association President Harold Daggett has joined the executive committee of the AFL-CIO’s 33-union Transportation Trade Department.
The ILA has been affiliated with the Transportation Trades Department since 2005. The TTD is an AFL-CIO umbrella group whose member unions represent workers in the aviation, rail, trucking and longshore industries.
The ILA and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union on the West Coast have expressed dissatisfaction in recent years with the AFL-CIO’s response to the longshore unions’ complaints about jurisdictional disputes with other unions.
More at the JOC

Source: WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report

Location of the proposed Southern California International Gateway rail yard.The Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners to support the city’s appeal against a proposed Port of Los Angeles rail yard project.
The city’s appeal is of the Southern California International Gateway rail yard project approved recently by the Port of Los Angeles. The 153-acre facility proposed by BNSF Railway Co. sits just outside West Long Beach, alongside the Terminal Island Freeway on land owned by the Port of Los Angeles. Much of its impact would be felt by nearby Long Beach residents, businesses and schools. The project, if built, would serve on-dock rail facilities at both the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles.
The City of Long Beach has appealed the Port of Los Angeles’ approval of the project to the Los Angeles City Council, which will vote on the project in the coming weeks. Long Beach officials have opposed the project as it stands, saying it does not sufficiently reduce the impact on West Long Beach.
More at Marine Link

An Oregon judge has ruled in favor of the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay’s permit for the development of an access channel and multi-purpose vessel slip on the North Spit of lower Coos Bay.
Jordan Cove Energy Project has purchased property and is seeking federal approval to develop a liquefied natural gas export facility, utilizing the east berth at the Oregon Gateway Marine Terminal. The west berth will be available for multi-purpose cargo import/export opportunities and potential deployment of deep-sea wind power generation structures as part of the Coos Bay Wind Power Demonstration Project.
Oregon International Port of Coos Bay news release

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