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[ENGLISH SUMMARY: The Colombian labor federation Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) denounces the assassination of teacher and union activist Elizabeth Gutiérrez, who was murdered on January 30 in Valle del Cauca. She was the second unionist to be murdered in Colombia during the first month of the year. CUE demands that her killing be investigated and those responsible punished.]
La Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Colombia – CUT, denuncia el vil asesinato de la compañera Elizabeth Gutiérrez, quien se desempeñaba como docente en la Institución Educativa San José de Obando y era activista sindical del Sindicato Único de Educadores del Valle – SUTEV, en hechos ocurridos el día 30 de enero de 2013 en inmediaciones del municipio de la Victoria (Valle del Cauca).
La CUT rechaza estos hechos y denuncia ante la comunidad nacional e internacional el incremento de la violencia antisindical y las amenazas. Además este es el segundo asesinato que registramos en el primer mes del año; por lo que llamamos a las autoridades competentes a investigar estos hechos y castigue ejemplarmente a los responsables, y que no sea un caso más de impunidad en nuestro país.
– La...
Source: Poughkeepsie Journal
Source: GRIID
Source: Talking Points Memo
Source: Baltimore Brew
Commissioners voted 6-1, with one abstention, to authorize as much as $3.7 million in rent rebates to ICTSI Oregon Inc., which operates the Port’s international container terminal. The Port intends the payments, in the form of rent reductions, as savings that ICTSI can pass on to shipping lines so the ocean carriers will continue sending vessels to Portland.
The program comes atop incentive payments to shipping lines of as much as $1 million approved by commissioners last month. By using rental income for the subsidies, the commission avoids spending tax revenues. But together the programs would exhaust the Port’s entire 2013 rental income from ICTSI if the public agency spends the full amount authorized.
Six of the Port commission’s nine members voted in favor of the rebate plan, one being absent from the monthly meeting. Commissioner Tom Chamberlain, president of Oregon AFL-CIO, abstained.
Commissioner Bruce Holte, president of ILWU Local 8, voted against. Holte read a statement saying commissioners should be allowed to see the financial terms of the expired Hanjin and Hapag contracts before waiving rent.
Bruce Holte, Port of Portland Commissioner and...
Source: Boston Herald
Source: IndustriALL Global Union
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