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Source: News Democrat
Source: In These Times
Source: Gazette
Source: Boston Herald
Source: SFGate
Logistics experts say Florida is unlikely to transform into a major import destination because it’s far from population centers in the rest of the country. The larger ships that would be able to sail through the Panama Canal would be too big for the Port of Tampa. The best chance for an increase in business would be from more ships continuing on to Tampa after arriving at other major ports, such as those in the Caribbean.
Companies that import goods from China will be unloading them at ports in Charleston, S.C., Norfolk, Va., or Baltimore, Feemster said. Goods bound for the Midwest will keep coming through Los Angeles, he said.
“It’s still cheaper and faster to get all the way to Dallas, Memphis, Kansas City and Chicago from the West Coast ports,” he said.
More at the Palm Beach Post
Source: Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Source: AFL-CIO
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