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From the Journal of Commerce:
The Federal Maritime Commission has asked Consolidated Chassis Management to provide more information on its request to permit lessors, truckers and other equipment contributors to serve on the boards of CCM and its regional pools.
CCM, created in 2004, operates six regional chassis pools that include more than one-fifth of the estimated 500,000 international marine chassis in use in the United States.
The chassis cooperative won FMC approval last year to allow leasing companies, truckers, shippers and others to contribute chassis to its pools. CCM now is seeking permission for these entities, which the FMC does not regulate, to serve on the co-ops’ boards.
The FMC set a March 28 deadline for comments on the proposed change.

Excerpts from the Columbian:
Union dockworkers, locked out for more than three weeks in a contract dispute with United Grain Corp. at the Port of Vancouver, say the company and two other operators of Northwest grain-export terminals have agreed to return to the bargaining table.
The agreement to renew talks is outlined in a March 15 written response from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union to the Pacific Northwest Grain Handlers Association. The ILWU’s letter, obtained by The Columbian, says the union has agreed to meet with United Grain, Columbia Grain and Louis Dreyfus Commodities on Friday and Saturday in Vancouver.
Meanwhile, U.S. Sens. Patty Murray, D-Wash., and Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., are urging the parties to resolve their differences. In a March 18 letter to company and union officials, the senators say they hope a separate interim agreement the union reached with another terminal operator — Temco — will help the union and remaining companies (United Grain, Columbia Grain and Louis Dreyfus Commodities) produce fruitful talks.
Read the rest at the Columbian

[NOTE: The following is a translation of a resolution passed by the Railroad Workers United in support of ILWU Local 4 in its lockout by Mitsui-United Grain. The Spanish is below; see the English version at this link.]
El ferrocarril de Trabajadores comité directivo Unidos aprobó la siguiente resolución el 4 de marzo de 2013:

RWU resolución en apoyo de ILWU Local # 4 Vancouver, Washington
Descargue la resolución RWU haciendo clic en esta imagen. Download the RWU resolution by clicking on this imageConsiderando que, el 27 de febrero de 2013, los miembros de International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) fueron excluidos de sus puestos de trabajo en Vancouver, WA. por el conglomerado japonés Mitsui, y Considerando que, los miembros del sindicato en una lucha tanto necesitan y merecen la solidaridad y el apoyo de sus hermanos y hermanas en otros sectores de la industria del transporte, y
Considerando que, en el Puerto de Vancouver, WA donde esta batalla se llevó a cabo, con los servicios de ferrocarriles BNSF, y
Considerando que, entrega rápida y eficiente de transporte ferroviario de mercancías desde y hacia el puerto es visto como vital por...

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